Map and navigation

All HIS screens feature a map view which is customizable via Map layers tab in task panel rightside of the map.

Map view
HIS map view (click to enlarge)


There are four buttons at the bottom centre of the map which help to navigate to desired location on the map.
The first one is stateless but the other three remember their status (you can toggle them on and off).
You can choose only one button/function out of the four at any time.

  • panning — you can pan the map by "dragging" it to desired direction (click left mouse button and without releasing it move the mouse).
    NB! All navigation buttons (zoom in/zoom out/zoom to area) should be in "off" position.
  • zoom to full extentcenter this button will change map to the initial view (full extent of the data).

Choosing the area to be displayed

There are three ways to zoom in and out on the map, all actions are carried out by selecting the appropriate button at the bottom of map display.

  • zoom inzoomin — when this button is in the "on" position then clicking on the map will increase the scale (zoom in), the new centre will be in the mouse cursor position.
    PS Also mouse wheel can zoom in.
  • zoom outzoomout — when this button is in the "on" position then clicking on the map will decrease the scale (zoom out), the new centre will be in the mouse cursor position.
    PS Also mouse wheel can zoom out.
  • zoom to areazoom with area — when this button is toggled "on" then you can mark a rectangular area on the map (click the left mouse button to mark one corner, then drag the mouse without releasing the button—you can see the selected area as a red rectangle during the operation). After releasing the mouse button a new central point and zoom level is calculated for the map based on the rectangle.

Selecting previously displayed map views

Previously displayed map views will be kept in cache and can be revisited:

  • Button back will take you back to previous map view (move backward in time).
  • Button forward will take you to the next map view (move forward in time).

Querying the map and highlighting the results

There are two ways to make spatial queries:

  • From the map: when all zoom buttons (zoom in/zoom out/zoom to area) are "off" then clicking left mouse button will bring on the data window for objects under cursor.
  • From menus and also from some data windows.

Query results will be highlighted on the map. Points (wrecks, rocks, obstructions, aids to navigation, harbours) will be highlighted with red square in object's location. Polygons (survey areas) will be highlighted with red border.


Hovering mouse over the map opens a pop-up window (tooltip) with a list of all objects under the mouse cursor.

Data windows

Clicking the left mouse button brings up more detailed information about objects under cursor in Data window (opens in a new browser window).

Context menu

You can open the context menu by clicking the right mouse button on map:
context menu
NB! Context menu does not appear in situations where right mouse button has other functions (e.g. when measuring distances).

Overview map

At the lower right corner of map you can see a small overview window where the currently visible extent is displayed as a red rectangle on top of the image of Estonia. It is possible to change the position of the active view by dragging the rectangle on the overview map but zooming in or out is not possible.
You can close and reopen the overview map by clicking to the icon at the lower right corner of the overview window. At the top of overview window there are shown the coordinates of the point under cursor, as geographical (latitude/longitude : EPSG 4326) and projected (X/Y : EPSG 3301) in L-EST97 coordinates.